Okay, I understand some things are just cute, really lol I DO have a sense of humor.
But am I REALLY the only person disturbed by this? Some things are harmless, like buying the politico onesie... But having your child wear it to SCHOOL? Eh... Sorry but I KINDA think that's taking it a bit too far.
This is coming from the person who's mother plaster a "Dole for President!" banner over her bed when she was little... Heh lol
I mean, okay, raising your kid to have your moral beliefs and trying to have them think the way you do isn't just typical it's totally natural. But isn't this kinda teaching kids that "Republicans/Democrats are evil and never ever believe them! They will eat you in your sleep if you let one in the house!" (Okay maybe not THAT bad lol)
I knew Rush Limbaugh's voice as well as my own parent's when I was little. God knows I don't agree half the time with the man now. But the thing is, my mom, as much as she SHOWED me her ideals and her feelings on issues, she NEVER forced them on me. I was allowed to think however I wanted. And I CERTAINLY wasn't a billboard for her thoughts.
Ugh, I don't feel like I'm making my point here.
The POINT is... Aren't you slowly but surely taking away your child's ability to think beyond party lines?
God knows mom and I don't agree on things. I'm a little more "live and let live (unless you're screwing up someone else)" route and she prefers the more strict route of religion. Which is fine. We just don't agree. No great things came from two people saying they agree completely with each other. It's through the butting of heads and ideals that we make progress.
I don't know, as exposed as I was to my parents ideas and politics, this just feels totally different to me.
Maybe I'm wrong. It's happened before lol But something about this really really disturbs me. We live in a world with a big political line in the sand, and I think this is just making that worse... I'd like to think that someday, that we have raised generations of brainwashed kids that can't take five minutes to think about the fact that maybe, just maybe, the other side is right on an issue.
My heart over rules my head way too much sometimes lol I'll go shove my world peace shit in a box under the bed.
Later, hopeful when my cynical brain is back in place.
But at least when a Demoquat and a Weepublican fight in class, the teacher can scold them for acting like Congress.
Remember, kids: The opposite of progress is Congress!
Some people have more money than brains...
At first, I was like "Who cares?" but then after reading your post, it made sense at how wrong it is to some degree. It's true that parents directly influence their kids' opinions, and this is a direct result. It CAN be seen as benign as a "Giants" t shirt, but if it's bashing a whole political party and its beliefs, then that's another story.
I worked w/ a kid, age 8 who proudly professed..."I'm a Republican". When I asked why...he simply stated that he had no idea.
Case in point. Then again, maybe not.
I'm obviously not any more clear than you are! lol
Excellent post...even though you aren't satisfied with your point! Good thinking here, Girlie. Tell ya what I've learned...it's REALLY difficult to think with our hearts (as women), than to live with them (must be a girl thing). I think that may be part of the reason Hillary turns so many people off. She's a 'tuff nut type on the outside...some women respect (objective mind thinkers) that/some are threatened (heart led thinkers)...some men respect that (not threatened by a strong woman)/ some men are threatened (they want to see tears). As a strong, independet, intelligent woman, myself, I've learned that it leaves little room for people to remember one thing. I'm still a woman.
I think Mom's an idiot for tagging her kid that way. ;) C.
LOL yankee.
At least some are instilling values in their kids. It could be worse. (And it is in some cases).
I guess there's a fine line. But at the same time there needs to be some guidance and teaching going on....even in politics. And while I definitely agree with my father like 99% of the time, I also do my own homework. 'Our' way of thinking just feels right to me.
(My parents were Rush fans for a long time too!)
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