Saturday, December 15

My Family is REALLY Old

Ever wondered what would happen if you could trace your ancestry back oh about 2000 plus years?

Well, lemme tell you. You find out you're related to people that may, or may not, be factual. Apparently I'm related to a King Arthur like family back about 100-300AD. Some of the people are undeniably real, other's are supposed god-like beings. Considering as much research as I've done on Norse mythology I know what's really the truth about these "gods" but still. Really freaky to find out you're one of god only knows how many people that can actually find direct connections that far back. (Like one is a "giant" who did blah blah blah. Do enough research you know that these "giants" were about 6'5" totally average by today's standards but the average height of a male back then was considerably shorter. If I remember men were about 5' 3" and women were about 5' but I may be slightly off on that. Been a while since I read about it.)

I'm also, undeniably, trust me, I ran over the line about 15 times trying to find something that didn't fit, related to Charlemagne. Yeah. The dude on the history channel. I'm related through his grandson, Charles the Bald. (Mom says she sees the resemblance to Charles the Bald in dad... shhhh he wouldn't find that funny lol)

And I'm Cherokee. This is all on my dad's mother's side. I'm descended from Quatsy of Tellico and Amatoya Moytoy. Not that far back in my genealogy either which I find very cool.

Anyway, this has been an incredibly experience, and it's only been three days research. Ancestry has managed to help me piece together all of these family trees. It's amazing. I'm mostly Dutch, Norwegian, French, German, and English. In that order. The earliest family (mind you this is all from following one branch so far... I have seven more to go from my great grandparents) recorded being in the United States was in 1570, New York. Then we were in New York for about 300 years, before my great great great grandmother moved from New York. Amazing to know I had generations of family building New York City. Kinda explains my deep inexplicable love of the city huh? lol

I also found out my great great great great lol grandfather was black, his parents I think were slaves which is why I can't find any records of them existing. I thought it had to be a screw up on the census at first but there's three records of him, all different dates but a considerable amount, and all of which mark him as "black/coloured/negro" which totally stunned me. His wife was white, I know that only because HER parents are recorded and I can see their race marked in the census. Her race was never marked. Thomas and Lucy (grgrgrgrgrandparents) had a daughter they named Lucy as well, and on her census record she was marked as white, so I think it's safe to assume she was pale. Which, during that time in history, she was lucky. But I want to see if I can find out where Thomas's family came from. Just because he was black doesn't mean he came from Africa lol

Four days ago I knew my father's parents names, and two of my great grandparents name. Through utter determination and swallowing a fee to gain access to the records I needed, I've discovered almost 2,000 years of family history... And I'm not even done.

So worth spending $20 a month don't ya think?


Blogger Lippy said...

I'm so disappointed...I traced my family tree wayyyyy back. Found out I'm descended from a rock. Oh well.

But seriously, if you're making that kind of progress, it's definitely worth 20 a month!

20/12/07 11:57 AM  
Blogger Nancy said...

Hi Lily,
Just checking in cuz I haven't seen you post in quite a while now. I'm wondering if you're ok. Drop me a line, ok?


15/1/08 5:35 AM  

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