Your comments got me thinking. Has no one learned that me thinking is bad yet? lol
Forgive me if this is a little disjointed, I'm coming down with a cold and my brain isn't fully functioning. Fatigue sets in quickly for me.
I'm going to respond per comment, so bare with me.
The accessory line, as completely not funny as it was, made me laugh. That's probably one of the most accurate descriptions I've ever heard used.
But onto what you made me think of.
When did human life lose it's value? When did parents stop teaching the value of it? My mother taught me that being a parent was the most important privilege a woman could ever have. That raising a child wasn't just something you did, it was how you changed history. She taught me that one life could change the world and you never could tell which life that would be. It might be the one you're raising, or the one your child raises, perhaps not until generations later would the importance come to light. But that every life had meaning, that every life should be treated with respect. And bringing a child into this world was your responsibility, that rearing it to be the future of our society was the most important job a person could have.
If a person views having a baby like buying a new purse, they ought to have their tubes tied.
The first line meant a lot, but the last meant even more. I'm glad my rant kept your mind of Shanti for a bit.
You made a very good point. How many girls get pregnant entirely on purpose because they think THEN he can't leave her, because then he HAS to love her, because then that magic switch will get flipped and the beautiful perfect life will happen? If I think of all the stories I've heard of girls sabotaging birth control, of any form, stopping taking the pill, puncturing condoms, diaphragms, etc etc... Makes me ill. To think that a woman could first off, value herself so little as to think that she could never do better than the man that she's with, secondly, value her partners feelings so little, and finally value the life of the being she is bringing into this would about as much as a puppy... It's just plain disgusting.
There's so many failures that lead to things like that. I can't understand a woman valuing herself so little as to do anything to make a man stay with her. I will never understand how a mother, or father for that matter, could let their little girl grow up thinking that way.
And I could never, ever, understand being with a man that didn't want a child too. I'm sorry but I would never even DATE a man that didn't have that life goal with me. There are certain things you simply must have in a partner and agreeing on children is the most important there is.(On a personal note, Will wants one or two, I want at least two. I'm a born mommy, I've wanted children since forever. I know I'll have a better idea what I really want after I've had a baby though, so I'm not in stone over anything, neither is he.)
Glamorize raising children! Honestly, brilliant. Think of what the Hollywood elite are showing us right now. The baby phase that's going on. Madonna is a wonderful example, in my opinion. And if I didn't think Angelina Jolie actually spent time with her litter of pups I'd say she was too, but I think she actually does like children enough to give them her heart and time. But there is definitely a "designer baby" phase going on. It's "cool" to be a mommy.
Puhleez... Being a mother isn't about looking good, it's about giving away your heart. If you have a child and your heart still belongs mostly to yourself, you shouldn't have children in my opinion. If you aren't willing to lay down your life for the child that just spent over nine months growing inside you, something is wrong. (If you're lucky and it actually went full term, I was six weeks early when I was born.)
Also, the statistic you showed me... I really wish I could say it surprised me. But growing up on a carnival, most kids didn't have two parents, and usually one of the people involved, boyfriend or girlfriend, was abusive to them.
I remember this little angel I used to babysit... Her name was Brittany. Her father had just gotten custody because the mother was unfit. (Brittany had told me stories I won't dare repeat on here... Lets just say this six year old little girl saw more than most adults should ever see.) And Brittany's step mother hated her. I do mean hated. She had just had "their baby boy" and she didn't want Brittany. She saw her as an unpleasant fact she couldn't wait to get rid of. She tolerated her and nothing more.
I grew up around one girl and brother who were living out of their mother's van. Nevermind, that their mother had a trailer, they weren't allowed to sleep in their because mommy had boyfriends over all the time.
If anyone believes children need two parents, even if divorced, as a united front, it's me. I've seen too much from too early in life to feel any other way.
I've always wanted to be a mom, I've always wanted that HONOR. So to see people throw it one like an old coat... just hurts me so deeply. I love children, and I can say all children because I never met a child I couldn't get to behave around me. I've babysat absolute monsters that by the end of the day were angels with me. I know that I'm supposed to be a mom, that I was given perhaps the greatest gift by instinctively knowing what to do. Children are the world, the future, the greatest blessing ever bestowed on mankind. To abuse it, to abuse that precious privilege... To abuse that is in my mind to deserve no less than death.
Sex is a blessing, a beautiful gift to us. One that, if approached properly, binds not bodies, but hearts and souls. It is something that comes with a price though, it's not something that can be approached like play and play only. Sex is fun, sure, but you must be responsible, you MUST be accountable for your actions.
We have slacked off so SO much in teaching generations of people responsibility. We have, for far too long, taken up the slack.
It may "take a village to raise a child" but it shouldn't take the whole damn country.
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