Sunday, June 10

I'll Tell, You Ask

From De:o)

(A) First I recommend:

1. A movie: "Pan's Labyrinth" Incredible movie, highly underrated. NOT FOR KIDS!!! I can't stress that enough, I can't believe how many people ignored the R rating. It's a drama, not a fantasy. It's a beautiful look into how we learn to cope with tragic circumstances. It's dark but stunning. Probably my all time favorite drama.

2. An artist (books or comics): Alice Hoffman, she writes incredible stories. Darkly magical and yet so human, so real. She shows in her oh so unique way that sometimes, what we want isn't what we get... and that it can be for the best.

3. A musical artist, song, or album: Right now I'm having a love of Johnny Cash. My favorite song of all time is Nine Inch Nails' song "Hurt" preformed by Johnny Cash. The best album I've heard lately is Moby's "18." It has great flow.

(B) Now, I want everyone who reads this and comments, to ask me three questions. Ask me anything you want. No kidding, ANYTHING, I'll give you the absolute honest truth as long as it's not too personal, lol! (nothing relating to address or phone though)

(C) (Optional) Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything.

Look forward to any questions! :o)


Blogger Lippy said...

OK, I'm gonna take you up on this. I think it will be fun to hear your answers.

1. If you had to pick a celebrity to look exactly like, who would you choose, and why?

2. A Genie promises to grant you a wish on behalf of someone else. If you were to make the wish for Will, what do you think he'd want?

3. You have to choose one of the following:
a. absolute national safety at the cost of some civil rights
b. absolute civil freedom at the cost of national security.

Look forward to those answers.

14/6/07 10:37 PM  

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