Wednesday, May 2

The Interview

I asked Kris to interview me as part of her meme lol

1. As writers, we sometimes find inspiration in the strangest of places. Describe a time when you were inspired to write something completely out of the ordinary.

Out of the ordinary? Um... I wrote a story on a ghost once, but I never finished it lol I read it a few months ago and felt like it was complete crap lol

2. What is your single most cherished memory from childhood?

Oh wow that's hard... I had a lot a really good times growing up, but they're all vastly different, picking one isn't easy. I suppose when I was about three or four years old, it was 4th of July. We'd been working all day and it was melting hot, those scorching Texas summers. My mom had been cooking all day, we ate like pigs lol The carnival had closed at around 11-12 somewhere in there and Dad had bought beer, sodas, chips, and we'd had a watermelon on ice since noon. All the crew, Jaime, Bill, Mike, all the guys I remember like big brothers and uncles, loaded up in one of the work trucks. Patrick and Austin and their parents, D.D. and Rhonda, loaded up in their truck, and my parents got everything together (chips, sodas, the boxes and boxes of fireworks) and we found this empty watermelon field. We parked the trucks along the dirt road and the party started lol We lit tons of fireworks and I was covered in watermelon juice. It was a really great night, made a huge impression on me. I doubt anyone else remembers this specific one though, there were so many years we did that.

3. We all have guilty pleasures in life, be it five-dollar lattes or a tendency toward buying designer shoes. Name a few of your own.

Clothing and makeup are two big weaknesses. Books I can't help myself on, I buy them all the time lol But the most useless thing I can buy that I really don't need ever yet I indulge in is... CDs lol I'm a music whore lol

4. What astrological sign are you? Do you feel it resembles your actual personality?

Actually I'm two lol I was born on the cusp between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Anyone that really knows me knows I'm very much a Scorpio, I have so many of those traits it's not even funny, but when I'm just chatting with people, I'm much more of a Sagittarius lol I think there's a science to the madness, but it's never completely right and I really don't believe in "predictions" based on signs.

5. In remembrance of the Columbine massacre and given the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech, is there something you see lacking in our government and society that may have prevented either of these mass murderings?

I know a lot of people would say more gun control but I don't think it's the answer. People that really want to kill people, like this last psycho, will find a way to do it no matter what. They'll use knives, bombs, cars, even a bio weapon if they're smart enough, or at least informed enough, to learn how to make one. There are a lot of ways to kill people, and getting rid of guns isn't the solution.

What needs to happen, in my opinion, is more awareness. People having a better ability to protect themselves. I know I'm not in the minority in thinking "what if someone could have stopped him" when it comes to VT. The media also plays a huge role, they (intending to or not) glorify the role of the killer, which inspires others to do the same. Going down in a "blaze of glory" is what all these monsters want to do. The media needs to be a lot more cautious in how it approaches these situations, rather than going for ratings; but we all know that will never happen, not as long as ratings are god.

And Will pointed out something else I agree with, thank you baby for reminding me to add this lol I think that it's okay to have it be a longer process for people to be able to buy guns, good law abiding people will be okay with that. There should even be special cases where, if need be, a person can get a gun sooner. (Protection from a stalker, they have a restraining order, and someone vouching for their character, for example.) People need a way to protect themselves. The criminals on the street shooting at each other, the ones that do drive bys that kill a little girl (happened on my birthday one year), those people won't obey the laws, they won't ever have licensed guns, but the people that do obey the law, should have the right to protect themselves however needed.

If you want to play, leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”

1. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.

2. You will update your weblog with the answers to the questions.

3. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.

4. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Blogger Lippy said...

I like your insights. I like to know that people have good things going on inside their heads, and you definitely are an interesting, intelligent person. I like reading here.

5/5/07 6:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can interview me if you want to :P

10/5/07 7:40 PM  

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