Thursday, April 5

What People Might Say

As many of you know I stay away from the political playing field on this. Not to mix business and pleasure you could say.

But sometimes, just sometimes, I can't keep my mouth shut.

The media stuns me at times. Really it does. I'm not getting into the oh-so blatant agenda of the local news station, which literally left my jaw dropped after seeing what they played. The absolutely propaganda of it was astonishing.

But here, this little nothing detail, is what sickened me.

As some of you may know, if you pay a lot of attention anyway, we had some very... embarrassing, anti-war protests. Now, believe me, you don't agree with the war, that's fine; I don't agree with you, I think it's far too complicated to go into here, but I everyone is entitled to their opinion. "I may not agree with what you say but I'll fight for your right to say it." Think that's a really good statement of how the world is now.

But, anyway, getting off point here.

They're talking about the protesters, for a good oh, 10 minutes, maybe more. They had blocked traffic on one of the streets. Now hold on a second... If you REALLY pay attention you can tell this "protest" is just a handful of college kids. Really. But they never mention how many people it was, though they film it to make it look like there were many many more people than were actually there. You had to pay attention but it was obvious what they did.

Here's the funny thing, they don't mention the part about it blocking traffic until the end of all this. They make it into a seemingly sympathetic story in favor of the protesters.

Protesting is our right as Americans. Wish more people understood that we have to fight to keep that right but not everyone understands the need for war, which is where people like the ones that did this last protest come in.

Now why do I say all this? Why do I bring all this up? Why am I starting to sound like I hate free speech? (Which fyi I obviously don't, I have a blog ffs.)

Because of the banners they held up. Because of the disgusting behavior. Because they disgrace their country.

Because the banners read loudly "Thank God for Dead Soldiers."

Sometimes I think cutting our population in half isn't a bad idea.

I was in complete shock reading the banners and hearing their little "war cry." Pun not intended.

I come from a very heavy military family. I was raised with enough common sense to know that wars happen, and we need someone to defend what's right when they do happen. Hearing a person take pride and to celebrate the death of MY FAMILY MEMBERS was so callous and cold I couldn't register it at first.

There are two kinds of people I want to fall off the face of the earth. They're one of that kind.

But here it is. I didn't get mad. I'm still not mad. I'm disappointed. I'm saddened. Not that they said such horrible things; not that at all actually, even though I think it was disgusting. But in the fact that it barely made an impact on me; the fact that I felt almost nothing seeing that; that I expect it now.

There's something wrong when I'm not the slightest bit astonished by such behavior.

I'm afraid of what people might say next.

Not because they'll say it, but because I might prove myself further numbed to the tragedies in our society.


Blogger Unknown said...

I pretty sure I understand what the banner meant "Thank God for the brave men and women who have died for our freedom". But I agree, it could have been better phrased. De ;)

6/4/07 1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The whole concept of protesting sometimes strikes me as odd. Aren't there more effective ways to make your voice heard?

7/4/07 10:03 AM  

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