Friday, February 22

Why Socialism Works

Bet that title got your attention huh?

Would you sterilize your teenage daughter?

Uh. No. I wouldn't.

Now let me count the ways this won't work...

A) Yay, you made sure she won't get pregnant! Good job. Whatcha gonna do about AIDS!?!

Congratulations on being a lazy fuck that didn't teach your child any morals. Okay might not be "your fault"... but it is.

C) Uh can we say screwing up hormones? I'm very curious HOW they intend to do this because there are a ton of ways you're going to screw up a developing female body by fucking with the hormone levels. Believe me, if anyone gets that, it's me.

D) Not all sterilizations WORK. Sometimes the body REVERSES what the doctors have done. Nature at it's best. Again, I'm curious what they're proposing.

E) WHY is the GIRL being sterilized? I mean, if girls rape somebody they don't get them pregnant. Of course, sterilization at all gets rid of the DNA evidence that's sometimes used when the victim chooses to give birth to the baby.

F) Doesn't this ENCOURAGE promiscuity? No offense, but quite honestly, if there wasn't the threat of getting pregnant, I probably would have had sex a hell of a lot younger than when I was nineteen and knew all about birth control and how to impliment it. Because I waited longer I was safer. BECAUSE I didn't want to accidentally bring a child into this world! (Guess that clears up any questioning my readers had lol)

G) Doesn't this also give a bit more of a green light for rapists? Think of how many girls/women that never come forward to say what happened to them. The only evidence, as cold as this may sound, by the time some women choose to come forward is the baby.

H) Can anyone say socialism, communism, or Hitler? Anyone? I can see Hitler doing this to make sure that the "lower" class beings couldn't breed. Am I totally off base here or can someone else see that? (Assuming this was when he wasn't killing them that is.)

I) How much personal freedom are we willing to give up in this world? You can guarentee that if this goes through in the UK, it's going to be brought up here. We have a LOT of politicians in this country that would rather have been European. Deal with it.

J) What about religious rights? Birth control is against certain religions. Do those people get a pass? Wouldn't that mean all someone had to do is say "oops I'm [something]" and they get a free pass? People will get very creative in ways to get out of this.

So yeah. I'm pissed. Very pissed. To think this even came up for discussion in any part of this world is so incredibly disgusting.

How about parents actually BE in their kids' lives from the moment they're born rather than when their teenager starts acting up saying "I have no idea what went wrong, she was always so happy." Well, yeah, when you ignore a child for the first 13 yrs of their life, everything does seem perfectly happy.

How about not being afraid to bring up the word "sex" around a younger child? My mom talked to me about sex from the time I was little. "When two people are together it's supposed to be special, it's supposed to mean something. You should never be with someone you aren't in love with. You should wait until you're old enough to really understand what's going on. If you aren't comfortable having a child with that person, you shouldn't have sex with them."

My mom most certainly never gave me a detailed scientific talk about sex. Never actually. When I was thirteen she gave me a birds and bees book and said, "If you have any questions let me know." I was horrified. But I read it when I was home alone and didn't feel all weirded out.

My mom never ever forget to stress the importance of protection, of waiting for the right person.

But she never condemned it either. She understood that people were human, and humans are animals, and we have urges to be with another person.

The first time I went to NY by myself to stay with Will, she gave me advice on birth control. We didn't have sex, but it meant something to me that she was willing to get over the "ew" of having to say this stuff to your 18 year old daughter. And when we WERE ready, I remembered her advice. Not just from that one time, but from my entire life. I understood the commitment I was making, I understood that the very first time could be all it takes for me to get pregnant. Maybe we weren't financially ready, but I knew that if that happened, we would both fight as hard as we could to be together and raise that child to the best of our ability. I felt safe with him, and I don't think parents teach their children just how good it feels to be with someone when they treat you with respect and love and security.

The entire reason, in my opinion, that this is even on the table, is because a lot of parents got really lazy and raised really lazy children. And their very lazy children told the kids of the not so lazy parents that they were uncool for not being lazy like they were. Then the not so lazy parents' kids decided they wanted to be cool and lazy too. And the good parents got kicked in the ass because of the lazy parents.

Welcome to morality and responsibility getting flushed down the toilet.


Blogger Lippy said...

The thing is, at one time, people who had children accepted the responsibility of raising and nurturing those children, so that they didn't become society's problems.
Those days seem to be long gone for a whole lot of people. At the rate these shitheads are procreating at will, society will have a whole lot of problems. We talk about morality and ethics in a society where a big segment of the population (maybe not the majority just yet, but wait...) is completely devoid of those morals and ethics. What exactly do we do?

I agree that this is absolutely not a viable alternative, at least not to anyone who has managed to form a social conscience and morals, but the situation is starting to appear desperate. We have morons giving birth to infants who are smarter than the parents from the moment of conception. They have no compass to guide them.

It's scary. I don't know what I would offer as a solution.

24/2/08 12:29 PM  
Blogger Wil said...


Bravo! Bravissima!

24/2/08 11:11 PM  
Blogger goddessdivine said...

Yeah, your title caught my attention. I was like "No it doesn't!!"

Whew! So glad you clarified things.

This country is losing its moral fiber and we are paying for it. Too many idiots raising idiots, and the cycle continues. Promiscuity is rampant. And people don't understand when someone like 16 yr old Jamie Lynn Spears gets pregnant. Scary.

1/3/08 12:44 PM  

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