Tuesday, February 28

ABC's and True or False

A - Available: Definitely not
A - Age: 18
A - Annoyances: Liars, cheats, overall dishonest people, hypocrites, cowards, people that never make up their minds

B - Best Friends: Will, Angie, Helen, Nadia, Patrick, Austin
B - Bar: Hate them lol
B - Birthday? Nov 22

C - Crush: William baby
C - Car: IF I had one... Prius, Mini, or VW Beetle
C - Cat: Tiger, Jack

D - Dead Pets Name: Christy (Kissy), Bugs, Rags, and rabbits are Tippy and Bandit
D - Dads Name: Norm
D - Dog: Biscuit

E - Easiest person to talk to: Will, of course
E - Eggs: Fried or scrambled with cheese and bacon
E - Email: lol Six lol Only three I use regularly though.

F - Favorite color(s): Blue, red, black, pink, purple, green, pale yellow
F - Food: Um... Depends on my mood but I can always eat Chinese and Mexican
F - Foreign Slang: lol I'm not making my brain think that hard

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Sour gummy worms lol
G - God: There is one
G - Good Times: ....are good...? lol

H - Hair Color: Naturally dark blonde but I've had so many highlights I'm medium blonde lol
H - Height: 5'5"
H - Happy: Generally

I - Ice Cream: Dove's Unconditinal Chocolate. I'm sorry but there is no other ice cream. lol
I - Instrument: Wish I could play but favorites are guitar, violin, and piano
I - Idol: Don't really have any

J - Jewelry: at the moment, leather choker with a heart stone
J - Job: On and off for my parents
J - Joke: None really lol

K - Kids: Someday
K - karate: Nope
K - kung fu: Nope lol

L - Longest Car Ride: Um... in one go, or not counting nights spent in other places of the way there? I'll guess second and say from Phoenix AZ to Minneapolis MN
L - Longest Relationship: Current, 1 yr as of last Sep 1st
L - Last time you got your hair cut: Five months ago? Yeah, I need it bad lol

M - Milk Flavor: CHOCOLATE! Of course. lol
M - Mothers Name: Donna
M - Movie Last Watched: Some of The Lion in the Winter. I adore Katharine Hepburn

N - Number of Siblings: None
N - Northern or Southern: Raised southern, living northern
N - Name: Lily, Sky, Mama Duck, and Roger (lol that's for you Andavoo and Bethany) Oh and I get called "hey" a lot... Not sure why...

O - One Wish: Will knows it ;o)
O - One Phobia: high places where I'm not "tied down" so to speak lol
O - Otter Pop: .........a what? Oh those lol I suppose orange or grape

P - Parents, are they married or divorced: Married 30 yrs Feb 28th lol
P - Part of your appearance you like best: Hmm... Hair, eyes, lips, one of them lol Will can pick for me :op
P - Part of your Personality you like best: Honest, loyal

Q - Quote: "The absence of flaw in beauty is itself a flaw." --Havelock Ellis
Q - Quick or Slow?: Me? Probably slow lol
Q - Quota: ....?

R - Reasons to smile: I'm loved
R - Reality TV Show: Bah, I love Project Runway lol American Idol is good too, just not my fav
R - Right or Left: Right handed

S - Song Last Heard: James Blunt, You're Beautiful ::sigh:: Love that song
S - Season: Early fall, late spring
S - Sex: not until marriage.... oh haha you mean that, well, female lol ;op

T - Time you woke up: Way too late lol
T - Time Now: 6:23pm
T - Time for bed: Never! lol

U - Unknown Fact about me: I actually KNOW logically that I'm beautiful, attractive, sexy, whatever, but rarely ever believe it. I have crap ego.
U - Underwear at the current time? Pink and blue polka dots and stripes lol
(What the hell? No third U? Well I'll make one up then...)
U - Underneath your feet(bet you never had that one before lol): My legs. I'm sitting on them lol

V - Vegetable you hate: None I can think of
V - Vegetable you love: Cucumbers, carrots, lettuce, tomato (tech not a veggie I know lol), spinach, grilled green beans... wow I'm having a veggie craving now
V - View on Politics: Ah darn... I thought it said "politicians" at first. I would have had fun with that lol Politics though... I have some strong opinions and some that just haven't been set in stone.

W- Worst Habits: Chewing my lip, chewing on the side on my finger (weird I know lol), clicking my teeth, tapping my feet/twitching my legs
W- Where are you going to travel next: The kitchen for a glass of water. Beyond that, no idea lol
W- Where do you want to travel: Oh easssssy... I wanna go see William baby again

X - X-Rays: Chest, that's all I remember
X - Ex's on myspace: Not that I've been able to find
(AGAIN? COME ON! You can think of a third one people, I know you can, but I'll do it FOR you. Hmm... I'll give you a really obscure one.)
X - X marks what spot: lol laughing at myself... Uh, a spot that requires a map. Because I'm giving the angel answer and not the one with horns laughing evilly in my head lol

Y - Year you were born: 1987! Which sucks! Cause it was the '80s! lol
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Sunflowers are yellow... and the sun... and certain patches of snow... what? I have a dog! lol

Z - Zoo Animal: Something that have scales lol
Z - Zodiac: Sagittarius/Scorpio
Z - Zoolander: Something I'd watch while drunk tired lol

[True or False]

(These are way too boring so I'm going to try and make it entertaining lol)

I am a cuddler. - TRUUUUUUE

I am a morning person. - LIES lol False.

I am an only child. - True

I am Catholic. - No offense to Catholics but a big fat false lol I'm very un-Catholic lol

I am currently in my pajamas. - False

I am currently pregnant. - Unless I missed some serious point like losing my virginity, false lol

I am currently single. - False, very false

I am currently suffering from a broken heart - False

I am okay at styling other people's hair. - True

I am left handed. - False

I am married. - Not yet, false

I am addicted to my myspace. - False

I am online 24/7, even as an away message. - False

I am very shy around the opposite gender at first - True lol Surprisingly

I bite my nails. - Eh... False. Haven't done it in years.

I can be paranoid at times. - Who wants to know? CIA?!? Generally true lol

I currently have a crush on someone. - True ::halo::

I currently regret something that I have done. - True

I curse frequently when I get mad - Yes, lol ::blushing:: True

I don't like anyone. - You all suck! lol I can't even say that without laughing lol FALSE

I enjoy country music. - Ah yes, true. I prefer the outlaws though lol

I enjoy talking on the phone - Only with Will

I have a car. - Personally, no lol

I have a cell phone - Oh yeah lol

I have/had a hard time paying attention at school - Sometimes, if it's a subject I hate lol

I have a hidden talent - True! It's even hidden from me! lol

I have a lot to learn - Excuse me? I'm a know it all. I know all. lol True, lots to learn. Like humility lol

I have a pet. - True! Lots of babies lol

I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal - For some people, true

I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" guy - I've only REALLY fallen for one guy and he's not wrong lol BUT I've had plenty of crushes on guys that didn't care about me so yeah sure, true

I have been to another country - True, Mexico and Canada

I have been told that I am smart - True... but they were drunk at the time

I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor - Oh so TRUE lol

I have OR HAD broken a bone - False thank god I don't handle pain well

I have bathed someone - False

I have changed a diaper - True

I have changed a lot over the past year. - True, very true

I have done something illegal. - False, lol

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color - Technically true lol I know them online and they've never seen a picture lol

I have killed another person - False (okay first off what dumbass is going to admit that online? where like police can read it? lol I'm just observing....)

I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life - Half and half

I have rejected someone before. - True, lmao Oh my god TRUUUUE

I have seen the television show The O.C. - Bits and pieces

I have watched Sex and the City - True, lol I'll admit to being that girly

I like the taste of blood. - LOL Um, I don't really taste blood when I cut open my lip.

I love to cook. - True, I've thought about going to cooking school

I like to sing. - True true, I sing all the time

I love Michael Jackson - False. Did at one point though.

I love to shop. - True lol Duh, I'm female lol

I miss someone right now. - True. I miss Will. I miss my grandma and grandpa. Wish I could call them...

I strongly dislike math - Not really. Just have a hard time learning

I will try almost anything once. - True

I work at a job that I enjoy. - FALSE

I would classify myself as ghetto. - lol if by ghetto you mean poor, then yes lol if by ghetto you mean a wannabe weirdo, then no lol

I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe and free. - Maybe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Roger


28/2/06 5:44 PM  
Blogger betty said...

great to learn so much more about you! This was a cute one to read.


3/3/06 2:46 PM  

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