Wednesday, October 10

Key Love

I've discovered a new pet peeve of mine.

People buying beautiful working vintage or antique typewriters and ripping off the keys to make jewelry.

It makes me physically ill.

You see, I LOVE typewriters. I've become really nuts about vintage typewriters and just bought my first one this week. Remington Rand Model 1. Beautiful working condition. She's lovely and I can't wait to get her. (Bought online, and now I have the week long wait to see my new baby which was shipped the day after purchase. Same as the model pictured here.)

But there's something truly sick to me about taking something that WORKS and ripping it apart just to make jewelry. Especially since some of the ones I've seen are worth well over $700 if the seller knows what they've got and that there are collectors out there willing to pay it.

Amazing to me how lazy people can be when it comes to researching them. It doesn't take much time and you might have a very good model on your hands worth far more than ripping off keys.

It doesn't bother me if the model is rusting, beat to hell, doesn't work, etc... But when it's functional, beautifully preserved... WHY the HELL would you rip off the keys???

People make no sense to me.

Anyway, if anyone would like to take a look into the world of typewriters, it really is fascinating.

Here are some sites I visit regularly:

The Classic Typewriter Page (He's a collector and very knowledgeable.) (Refurb typewriters, ribbon, etc.)

Typewriter Serial Number Database (To help date typewriters as well as find model numbers.)


Blogger Unknown said...

Yes you are indeed passionate. But I find the idea of desicrating(?) antiques as distasteful. Glad to see you back home and in true form! De ;)

11/10/07 3:09 AM  
Blogger emmapeelDallas said...

My sons, now age 22, tell me they still have fond memories of falling asleep hearing the soft clackety-clack of my BEAUTIFUL IBM selectric, that I used for years and years and years until I got the bright idea to go to grad school, where I was told in no uncertain terms that I'd have to learn to use a computer...ah, nostalgia!

11/10/07 11:17 PM  

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