Sunday, February 25

Fluffy Girl Discusses the Meaning of Life

I've always thought of myself as fluffy. Now the DEFINITION of that word changes every few seconds.

Sometimes it's because I've curled back the tip on my hair and styled it up into this fluffy silky mess. Other times it's because I'm eating my fifth Krispy Kreme in a row and I'm thinking how "fluffy" it's making my thighs lol

There's the fluffy heart moments, when I coo and cuddle a baby, or "wrestle" with a kitten. Then there's the fluffy moments where I just can't get mad at a person no matter how hard I try.

Fluffy fluffy fluffy.

Right now I'm thinking I'm fluffy as in silly girly. Squirrelly girly like my Uncle Bill used to say. Miss him a lot.

I'm in a Lynyrd Skynyrd worn cotton shirt, a pair of overly metal studded jeans, cat socks and a hairband slipped over my wrist, for a quick pony tail.

The last week has been hard on me and I've got this overwhelming sense of peace right now. Will's on my Pogo account, racking up my next badge, I've got Toby Keith singing "You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This" to me via CD, a bottle of water to sip on and the wonderful knowing that I'm not going to work tomorrow.

Oooh.... "I'm Just Talkin About Tonight" came on. Fun song.

There's the peaceful knowledge my mom's resting and I can hear the faint sound of dad snoring on the couch downstairs. A soft bed waiting for my body to mold into my lovely new memory foam mattress pad. (Worth it people, trust me.)

"I'm not talking about locking down forever, baby, that would be too demanding, I'm just talking about two lonely people who might reach a little understanding, I'm not talking about knocking out heaven with whether we're wrong or we're right, see I'm not talking about hooking up and hanging out, I'm just talking about tonight...."

The world outside is cool and dark and blanketed in snow. I feel a sense of purpose and being that I haven't felt in such a long time. It won't last, I know that. I'm savoring every precious moment of this feeling I have because it very well could be gone by morning. The night washes away things like this, a dark vast blanket of nothingness can overcome a feeling, a memory, anything and everything.

But for now, for this precious night before sleep takes me, the world is a beautiful, quiet, peaceful place.

I can forget the wars, the terrorists, the murders the rapists, I can forget the things that matter outside of this moment.

Don't we all need that? If only for a moment... To forget that there is something greater, something bigger, than the moment we're in. To be lost in self and peace and quiet. To lose ourselves to the darkness and cool wind outside. To lose ourselves in the twinkling of the night sky.

Forget for a moment, just one moment, what you're rushing out the door to do after you read this, block out the screaming children outsider or inside, the sound of the busy streets, block out the light, the dark, the everything. Sink so deep inside yourself, find the moment you live for, and just breathe. Breathe in that moment. Refresh your soul like we all forget to do.

Now go grab a cold drink, turn up the radio, kiss your husband, wife, children, boyfriend, girlfriend, kiss your cat or dog if you have to. And take one moment to be thankful for being you. Take the moment to be happy to be in your skin.

Be thankful for the illness, it means you're still living. Be thankful for the shouting children, because it means there's a future to our world. Be thankful that someone you love is mad at you, it means they care. Be thankful it's cold out, because it means spring is next. Be thankful for getting up early, because it means you can.

Be thankful for the breath you just took.

Start living for the moments, and forget the so called milestones. Life is nothing if it's wasted in want of more.


Blogger emmapeelDallas said...

"Life is nothing if it's wasted in want of more"'s not fluffy, Lily...

good stuff

28/2/07 11:36 PM  
Blogger Lippy said...

You sure have a keen eye for what living in the moment really means. Life is and can be good if you let it.


PS I have to check out those mattress pads :)

3/3/07 8:59 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

WOW! You are truly a poet! De ;)

3/3/07 10:02 AM  

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