Ok, where was I? Oh yes... words. They fascinate me. Yes, it's strange. I'm a writer, who has problems speling. I did that on purpose.
I ought to transform my journal of inane thoughts into a beta. I would have more room to ramble amlessly. I know. I hear you, "Don't you do that enough?" And frankly, no. I only do it when I'm in these moods.
I need to get more. I swear my cat just muttered, "Idiot...." I'm making that up. He actually said, "You would think with your brains you wouldn't suffer so terribly from creative block." With a English accent. Now why can't I write that stuff when I'm writing a story. I probably have to much so I'll shut up. For now...
P.S. Did anyone (I know you did Rea) like the P (otential) ) M(urder) S(uspect) entry my aunt sent me. She's well, like that. She loves sending me, "Girl Jokes!"
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